Oct 20, 2012

Yamaha DuPont Snowmobile Slides vs stock

Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd. trail tested the innovative DuPont Vespel slider versus a stock slider.  These DuPont slide photos were taken at the 2012 Toronto Snowmobile Show.  The 1,100 kilometer trail test was run on a 2012 Apex XTX snowmobile. The Dupont slide is labelled LEFT versus the stock slide labelled RIGHT.  Both slides were run on the same Apex XTX snowmobile for 1,100 kilometers.

A new DuPont slide is written with the test title
LEFT - DuPont Vespel slide
RIGHT - stock slide

The DuPont Vespel slide shows much less wear.  Photos show the same three slides for comparison.  Learn more about the DuPont Snowmobile Slider.  Buy Yamaha DuPont Snowmobile Slide.  Designed for snowmobilers by Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd.  Available at Kelly's Cycle Centre.

Upper half of slides showing new Dupont slide, Dupont slide with 1,100 Km and stock slide with 1,100 Km.

Lower half of slides showing new Dupont slide, Dupont slide with 1,100 Km and stock slide with 1,100 Km.

Fits All Yamaha 4-strokes with skid frame up to 144" long, trim to length.

Note the SRViper was released at a later date and has a unique SRViper Dupont slide.

Polaris Dupont slide

BRP Ski Doo Dupont slide

SRViper Dupont slide

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